On this week’s episode of the Key Figures Podcast, I am joined by John Pijpers, a CPA working as a Global process owner for an international building materials company.
We discuss the importance of having a truly globally aligned operational reporting system.
It’s very clear that operational excellence is one of the areas to improve safety, drive costs savings and eventually improve the bottom line.
A key enabler in driving operational excellence is having a fully aligned reporting system to follow up on the performance within operations. You essentially want what we call “one set of data and truth”.
John has 25 years of experience in finance within an operational company where driving cost savings through operational experience has been central.
We discuss what the challenges are in setting up an global operational reporting system. The key word here is change management and John gives us insights into how to deal with change, which is an enabler and a hurdle at the same time.
He believes master data is crucial and we also look into the impact of BI and Data on such a global reporting system.
It’s unbelievable how much time is lost in companies arguing over the credibility of the figures and even more in combining data from different systems to come to one set of truth.
Setting up a global reporting system will save your organisation time and eliminate costly mistakes due to manual work, especially during the oh so important budgeting rounds.
This episode is not only for the finance professionals, I believe operational management and leadership can benefit from joining this conversation.
Enjoy this insightful conversion with John Pijpers on how to set up a global operational reporting system.